Civil Engineering - Airport Engineering

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Here you can find multiple-choice Civil Engineering questions and answers based on "Airport Engineering" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

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How do I solve Civil Engineering quiz problems based on "Airport Engineering"?

You can easily solve Civil Engineering quiz problems based on "Airport Engineering" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Airport Engineering - Section 1
The threshold markings are
4 m wide
1 m clear space between adjacents
45 m in length
placed symmetrically on either side of the runway centre line
all the above.
Answer: Option
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The bearing of the longest line of a wind rose is S 45° E, the bearing of the runway will be numbered
both (c) and (d)
Answer: Option
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For the proposed runway stated in if the aerodrome reference temperature is 17°.2, the net designed length of the runway is
2716 m
2816 m
2916 m
3016 m
Answer: Option
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Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Landing speed is directly proportional to the wing loading
Wing loading remaining constant, the take off distance is directly proportional to the powder loading
Neither (a) nor (b)
Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option
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Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Approach zone survey is carried out to determine the elevations of the protruding obstructions above horizontal, conical and transitional surfaces
The wind data of an air port is depicted in the form of a chart known as wind rose
The landing and take off of the air craft is made against the wind direction
The product of wind loading and power loading is called air craft rating
All the above.
Answer: Option
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