Chemical Engineering - Petroleum Refinery Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Petroleum Refinery Engineering - Section 4 (Q.No. 10)
Which of the following has maximum hydrogen/carbon ratio (by weight) ?
11 comments Page 1 of 2.
Viettan K said:
1 decade ago
How will you explain for difference in composition of naphtha and gasoline? I don't know H/C ratio of two fractions. I feel surprised!
Soni said:
8 years ago
I think Naphtha.
Jeetendra Kushwaha said:
8 years ago
Naphtha is the right answer.
Vishnu swaroop said:
7 years ago
Option (A) is the right answer.
Deepak said:
6 years ago
It should be Fuel oil.
Ajay said:
6 years ago
Gasoline is lighter than naphtha, and H/C ratio is just opposite to C/H ratio, that is C/H ratio will be max for heavier product while H/C will max for lighter product.
Deepak Agrahari said:
6 years ago
It should be Naptha.
Rajendra pal said:
5 years ago
Gasoline is the right answer.
AkiL Suhail said:
5 years ago
Naphtha is right answer.
Jeet said:
5 years ago
Thanks for the explanation @Ajay.
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