Chemical Engineering - Fluid Mechanics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Fluid Mechanics - Section 1 (Q.No. 6)
Hydraulic mean depth (Dm) for a circular pipe of diameter 'D' flowing full is 0.25 D. For a circular channel, at Dm = 0.3 D, gives the condition for the maximum
19 comments Page 1 of 2.
Veer said:
6 months ago
Hydraulic mean depth defined as the ratio of the area of flow section to the top surface of the fluid.
Gauarv shakya said:
2 years ago
Mean depth= Area of the channel/wetted perimeter.
3 years ago
Hydraulic mean depth = cross-section are/top width of flow.
Abiyot mihret said:
5 years ago
Not understanding, Because it is not defined between mean diameter, flow rate, velocity.
Arsh siddique said:
6 years ago
Can anyone explain it in details that what is hydraulic mean depth and mean velocity. Please, I don't understand.
Sneha said:
6 years ago
Clearly explain what is mean velocity and when pressure increases velocity decreases but it is how related to mean velocity?
Anand said:
6 years ago
Mean velocity is average velocity. For laminar flow, it is glf of the max velocity. Then coming to pressure, as pressure increases max velocity decreases so as average velocity also decreases.
Mean velocity is average velocity. For laminar flow, it is glf of the max velocity. Then coming to pressure, as pressure increases max velocity decreases so as average velocity also decreases.
Harry said:
6 years ago
Clearly explain what is mean velocity and when pressure increases velocity decreases but it is how related to mean velocity?
Sharmi said:
6 years ago
Please explain me clearly.
7 years ago
Can anyone explain the formula for this?
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