Chemical Engineering - Chemical Reaction Engineering - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Chemical Reaction Engineering - Section 2 (Q.No. 46)
The catalyst in a second order reversible reaction increases the rate of the forward reaction
and decreases that of backward reaction.
and backward reaction equally.
to a greater extent than that of the backward reaction.
Answer: Option
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3 comments Page 1 of 1.

THOSIN said:   5 months ago
We only have rate constant for irreversible reactions but the rate constant for a reversible equilibrium reaction is the equilibrium constant and depends only on temperature but not on the concentration of the reactants of products.

KRR said:   4 years ago
For a reversible reaction, the equilibrium state is one in which the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal. In the presence of a catalyst, both the forward and reverse reaction rates will speed up equally, thereby allowing the system to reach equilibrium faster.

Viru said:   7 years ago
Why? Explain.

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