C# Programming - Inheritance - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Inheritance - General Questions (Q.No. 2)
Which of the following statements should be added to the subroutine fun( ) if the C#.NET code snippet given below is to output 9 13?
class BaseClass
protected int i = 13;
class Derived: BaseClass
int i = 9;
public void fun()
// [*** Add statement here ***]
17 comments Page 1 of 2.
Sandeep said:
7 years ago
In BaseClass 'i' is local variable, and inside DerivedClass 'i' is again a local variable of it, So, 9 value scope is inside the DerivedClass and 13 scope is outside the DerivedClass, so, to call the base class members we should use "base" keyword console.WriteLine(i+""+base.i);.
Sushil said:
8 years ago
But we can't use base keyword under a static block of a derived class.
Ndikho said:
8 years ago
They might look the same but please check the format should the output(9 13) be.
In case, you not aware, 'base' refers to the base class/superclass. So if you say 'base.i' you refer to base class.
Hope you answered.
They might look the same but please check the format should the output(9 13) be.
In case, you not aware, 'base' refers to the base class/superclass. So if you say 'base.i' you refer to base class.
Hope you answered.
Karthi said:
9 years ago
Both option A and B are same. May I know what is the difference between them?
Both option A and B are same. May I know what is the difference between them?
Mash said:
9 years ago
Base is a keyword of c# which is used here to call the I variable of the base class-BaseClass to differ it from the I variable of the derived class-Derived. Whatever, actually it was not necessary to do this if both of the variable were not declared using the same identifier-i.
Base is a keyword of c# which is used here to call the I variable of the base class-BaseClass to differ it from the I variable of the derived class-Derived. Whatever, actually it was not necessary to do this if both of the variable were not declared using the same identifier-i.
Amit said:
10 years ago
using System.IO;
using System;
public class BaseClass
public int k = 13;
public class Derived: BaseClass
int i = 9;
public static void Main()
Derived d=new Derived();
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",d.i,d.k);
using System;
public class BaseClass
public int k = 13;
public class Derived: BaseClass
int i = 9;
public static void Main()
Derived d=new Derived();
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",d.i,d.k);
Pavan said:
10 years ago
What is the difference between base.i and mybase.i?
Jana said:
1 decade ago
To get output as 9 13,
First you need to get the derived class i value and then you can get the base class i value by object of base class as base.i
Where base is object of BaseClass.
First you need to get the derived class i value and then you can get the base class i value by object of base class as base.i
Where base is object of BaseClass.
Govind said:
1 decade ago
Where is create object name base ?
It is directly used it.
It is directly used it.
Ajesh said:
1 decade ago
What is base.i?
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