C# Programming - Inheritance - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Inheritance - General Questions (Q.No. 6)
What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below?
namespace IndiabixConsoleApplication
    class Baseclass
        public void fun()
            Console.Write("Base class" + " ");
    class Derived1: Baseclass
        new void fun()
            Console.Write("Derived1 class" + " "); 
    class Derived2: Derived1
        new void fun()
            Console.Write("Derived2 class" + " ");
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[ ] args)
            Derived2 d = new Derived2(); 
Base class
Derived1 class
Derived2 class
Base class Derived1 class
Base class Derived1 class Derived2 class
Answer: Option
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28 comments Page 1 of 3.

Ankita Bhagat said:   2 years ago
Yes, the Answer is Base class.

Harika said:   4 years ago
Sealed key word stops the inheritance execution.

Mohammad Adil said:   8 years ago
Output: Derived2.

Here the new keyword only hides the compile time error which showing the hiding of base class method by derived class method.

So here the output is Derived2 because Derived1 hides base class method and Derived2 hides Derived1 class method because they have the same signature.

Ishwar said:   9 years ago
Virtual Keyword are required in base class.

Lingaswamy said:   9 years ago
In new key work use before void fun() then it will be hide of that fun() method.

If you want to invoke Derived2 class void fun() method, add virtual void fun() in Base class and add override void fun() in Derived2.

VENDI said:   10 years ago
class A
public void Foo() { Console.WriteLine("A::Foo()"); }

class B : A
public new void Foo() { Console.WriteLine("B::Foo()"); } //make this function public.......else the base class function will be called

class Test
static void Main(string[] args)
A a;
B b;

a = new A();
b = new B();
a.Foo(); // output --> "A::Foo()"
b.Foo(); // output --> "B::Foo()"

a = new B();
a.Foo(); // output --> "A::Foo()"

Sandeep Singh said:   1 decade ago
Functions of class Derived1 and Derived2 are inaccessible due to its protection level i.e private (default access specifier). So it will access the function of Base Class because its public.

class Derived2: Derived1
Public new void fun()
Console.Write("Derived2 class" + " ");

Deriver2 Class will Execute.

class Derived1: Baseclass
Public new void fun()
Console.Write("Derived1 class" + " ");

Deriver1 Class will Execute..

Arvind said:   1 decade ago
The answer should be Derived 2, the access specifier doesn't put any difference.

Rajesh k. said:   1 decade ago
New keyword : hides the members inherited from its parent class.

By default it will call its own class method , If we want to call method of parent class ,we can by base.<method_name>();

-Access modifier of method of Derived2 class is not mentioned i.e. it is private.

So, private methods are accessible from same class.

So, I think ans should be "Derived2".

Vaibhav M Nalwad said:   1 decade ago
When you add a new keyword for a property, variable, Method it is said to be Shadowing so the output would be "".

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