C# Programming - Inheritance - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Inheritance - General Questions (Q.No. 7)
Which of the following should be used to implement a 'Has a' relationship between two entities?
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Anuhya said:
8 years ago
Explain the Inheritance concept.
Venkatakrishna said:
9 years ago
public class A
public class B
static void Main()
The relationship between A and B is Has-a relationship
public class A
public class A:B
The relationship between A and B is : Is-a relationship.
public class B
static void Main()
The relationship between A and B is Has-a relationship
public class A
public class A:B
The relationship between A and B is : Is-a relationship.
Anbu said:
9 years ago
Can you tell me someone I am not understand this concept?
MuraliKrishnan said:
1 decade ago
Containment; a "has a" relationship and not a "is-a" relationship,
A "Has a" B-relationship.
A "is a" B-relationship.
A "Has a" B-relationship.
A "is a" B-relationship.
Kasana said:
1 decade ago
Containment; a "has a" relationship and not a "is-a" relationship (inheritance).
Pushkaraj said:
1 decade ago
Can anybody help out of this question ?
Ramesh said:
1 decade ago
"Has a" means?
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