C# Programming - Exception Handling - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Exception Handling - General Questions (Q.No. 1)
Which of the following is NOT a .NET Exception class?
Answer: Option
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2 comments Page 1 of 1.

Mahesh said:   1 decade ago
Because the heap memory is controlled by memory management of .Net.

Mahammad Moine said:   9 years ago
As far as we know that exception class is parent class and type of all exceptions are child classes, when an error occurs during run time CLR creates instance of exception class and through it which is catched by catch block, which stops abnormal termination of program and gives appropriate message.

In this process when CLR create instance just the same time constructor is automatically called it is rule, which is responsible for abnormal termination of program. Then how catch block stops abnormal termination of program?

Constructor is responsible for abnormal termination of program, when instance is created by CLR constructor is automatically called then how catch block stops abnormal termination of program?

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