C# Programming - Control Instructions - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Control Instructions - General Questions (Q.No. 2)
Which of the following is the correct output for the C#.NET program given below?
int i = 20 ;
for( ; ; )
Console.Write(i + " ");
if (i >= -10)
i -= 4;
20 comments Page 1 of 2.
Sai charan said:
7 years ago
First when it Enter into "forloop"
it prints "i" = "20"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (20>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 20-4=16 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "16"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (16>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 16-4=12 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "12"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (12>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 12-4=8 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "8"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (8>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 8-4=4 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "4"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (4>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 4-4=0 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "0"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (0>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 0-4=-4 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "-4"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (-4>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e -4-4=-8 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "-8"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (-8>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e -8-4=-12 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "-12"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (-12>-10) is False
The break statement is Executed then it jumps out of the loop.
it prints "i" = "20"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (20>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 20-4=16 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "16"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (16>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 16-4=12 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "12"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (12>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 12-4=8 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "8"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (8>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 8-4=4 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "4"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (4>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 4-4=0 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "0"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (0>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e 0-4=-4 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "-4"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (-4>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e -4-4=-8 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "-8"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (-8>-10) is true
then it changes (i-=4) i.e -8-4=-12 again stored in "i"
it prints "i" = "-12"
it compares (i>-10) i.e (-12>-10) is False
The break statement is Executed then it jumps out of the loop.
Sajila said:
1 decade ago
First print value of i(i.e: 20)
Check (i.e:20>=-10) true
Then value of i is 16 and print it(i.e., : i=20-4=16)
Then check as 16>=-10 true
Print 12(i=16-4)
Check 12>=-10 true
Print 8(i=12-4)
Check 8>=-10 true
Print 4(i=8-4)
Check 4>=-10 true
Print 0(i=4-4)
Check 0>=-10 true
Print -4(i=0-4)
Check -4>=-10 true
Print -8(i=-4-4)
Check -8>=-10 true
Print -12(i=-8-4)
Check -12>=-10
It is false
Then print the output as :20 16 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12
First print value of i(i.e: 20)
Check (i.e:20>=-10) true
Then value of i is 16 and print it(i.e., : i=20-4=16)
Then check as 16>=-10 true
Print 12(i=16-4)
Check 12>=-10 true
Print 8(i=12-4)
Check 8>=-10 true
Print 4(i=8-4)
Check 4>=-10 true
Print 0(i=4-4)
Check 0>=-10 true
Print -4(i=0-4)
Check -4>=-10 true
Print -8(i=-4-4)
Check -8>=-10 true
Print -12(i=-8-4)
Check -12>=-10
It is false
Then print the output as :20 16 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12
Vinod Yadav said:
4 years ago
Answer is 20,16,12,8,4,0.
When i=-4 then
Because of if(-4>=-10)
It will not go inside if block
Because of -4 is bigger than -10 so,
Final answer is 20,16,12,8,4,0.
When i=-4 then
Because of if(-4>=-10)
It will not go inside if block
Because of -4 is bigger than -10 so,
Final answer is 20,16,12,8,4,0.
Inathi Gqola said:
9 years ago
To the people starting programming, please use curly braces ({}) in your conditional statements. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. You have been warned.
Vimala said:
1 decade ago
ashok (;;) means there is no condition, it's of no use in that ,it will execute as long the if condition satisifes, then it will come out because of break statement.
1 decade ago
All three conditions of for loop is optional.
-12 because after checking for -8 it will decrements it to -12 then print it then check for -12 which break the loop.
-12 because after checking for -8 it will decrements it to -12 then print it then check for -12 which break the loop.
Gagan said:
1 decade ago
Starting from 20,
i = i-4
i = 20-4=16,
i= 8-4=4,
i= 4-4=0,
i= 0-4=-4,
i= -4-4=-8,
So ,,,20,16,12,8,4,0,-4,-8,-12....
i = i-4
i = 20-4=16,
i= 8-4=4,
i= 4-4=0,
i= 0-4=-4,
i= -4-4=-8,
So ,,,20,16,12,8,4,0,-4,-8,-12....
Latha said:
1 decade ago
Output will be 20, 16, 12, 8:
When var i is 8 then if(i>=10) condition is fail and go to break.
So, How will be the answer is [C].
When var i is 8 then if(i>=10) condition is fail and go to break.
So, How will be the answer is [C].
Preeti said:
1 decade ago
-12 will also print because condition has been checked after print statement. That's why O/P will be 20 16 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12.
Abhiraj said:
6 years ago
Here it is first printed and it is checked thats why we have -12 also and it comes out from loop.
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