C Programming - Structures, Unions, Enums

Point out the error in the program?
struct emp
    int ecode;
    struct emp *e;
Error: in structure declaration
Linker Error
No Error
None of above
Answer: Option
This type of declaration is called as self-referential structure. Here *e is pointer to a struct emp.

Point out the error in the program?
typedef struct data mystruct;
struct data
    int x;
    mystruct *b;
Error: in structure declaration
Linker Error
No Error
None of above
Answer: Option
Here the type name mystruct is known at the point of declaring the structure, as it is already defined.

Point out the error in the program?

int main()
    struct a
        float category:5;
        char scheme:4;
    printf("size=%d", sizeof(struct a));
    return 0;
Error: invalid structure member in printf
Error in this float category:5; statement
No error
None of above
Answer: Option

Bit field type must be signed int or unsigned int.

The char type: char scheme:4; is also a valid statement.

Point out the error in the program?
struct emp
    int ecode;
    struct emp e;
Error: in structure declaration
Linker Error
No Error
None of above
Answer: Option
The structure emp contains a member e of the same type.(i.e) struct emp. At this stage compiler does not know the size of sttructure.

Point out the error in the program?

int main()
    struct emp
        char name[20];
        float sal;
    struct emp e[10];
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
        scanf("%s %f", e[i].name, &e[i].sal);
    return 0;
Error: invalid structure member
Error: Floating point formats not linked
No error
None of above
Answer: Option

At run time it will show an error then program will be terminated.

Sample output: Turbo C (Windows)


scanf : floating point formats not linked 
Abnormal program termination