C Programming - Memory Allocation - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Memory Allocation - General Questions (Q.No. 4)
Specify the 2 library functions to dynamically allocate memory?
20 comments Page 1 of 2.
Charvi said:
3 years ago
malloc() and calloc() are library functions that dynamically allocate memory.
Amit said:
8 years ago
A program is a soft code which makes any processor to perform some function, It provides instructions to the processor.
Jaffa said:
8 years ago
What is a program? why we want to use that?
Chandrika said:
9 years ago
malloc is used to assign the single block of memory dynamically.
calloc is used to assign the multiple block of memory dynamically at run time.
calloc is used to assign the multiple block of memory dynamically at run time.
Nithya said:
10 years ago
To allocate memory with garbage value.
Swati said:
1 decade ago
What is memalloc?
Siva said:
1 decade ago
Is any dealloc function in C?
C budda reddy said:
1 decade ago
Memory is allocated for the functions and its variables.
Dealloc is delete the after complete operations memory resource is deallocated.
Dealloc is delete the after complete operations memory resource is deallocated.
Raj said:
1 decade ago
malloc: Memory allocation function ptr.
calloc: Allocate space for an array.
realloc: Memory allocation that modifies the size of previously allocated space.
calloc: Allocate space for an array.
realloc: Memory allocation that modifies the size of previously allocated space.
Soundarya kumari .B said:
1 decade ago
malloc(): Allocates the specified number of bytes
calloc(): Allocates the specified number of bytes and initializes them to zero these are present in the standard library.
calloc(): Allocates the specified number of bytes and initializes them to zero these are present in the standard library.
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