C Programming - Input / Output - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Input / Output - True / False Questions (Q.No. 5)
In a call to printf() function the format specifier %b can be used to print binary equivalent of an integer.
Answer: Option
There is no format specifier named %b in c.
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Pushpa said:
7 years ago
Yes @Pranav there is \b escape character is used for backspace in printf but, there is no %b formate specifier for converting integer value to binary.
Pranav said:
8 years ago
There is format specifier named as %b in c language, it can be used for printing backspace in printf().
AnAnAs said:
9 years ago
Use the answer in this question on stack overflow to convert to binary.
Ramyakrishna said:
1 decade ago
What is the meaning for %b?
Kalpana said:
1 decade ago
Is there format specifier named %b in c++?
Can any please answer?
Can any please answer?
Abhishek Pateria said:
1 decade ago
What is format specifier for printing the bits or bytes?
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