C Programming - Declarations and Initializations - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Declarations and Initializations - General Questions (Q.No. 9)
Identify which of the following are declarations
1 : | extern int x; |
2 : | float square ( float x ) { ... } |
3 : | double pow(double, double); |
Answer: Option
extern int x; - is an external variable declaration.
double pow(double, double); - is a function prototype declaration.
Therefore, 1 and 3 are declarations. 2 is definition.
double pow(double, double); - is a function prototype declaration.
Therefore, 1 and 3 are declarations. 2 is definition.
37 comments Page 1 of 4.
Tharun said:
3 years ago
During declaration, we tell the datatype of the Variable.
During definition, the value is initialized.
During definition, the value is initialized.
Sakshi wadhwa said:
5 years ago
Why float square(float x) is not a declaration? Please explain.
Masanta said:
5 years ago
Thank you all for explaining it.
Mallikarjunagoud said:
5 years ago
For a variable, declaration means just stating its data type along with giving it name for memory allocation; while definition means giving the value of that variable. The declaration is giving a prototype like simply a name. The definition is associating the task or the meaning with the prototype.
For a variable, declaration means just stating its data type along with giving it name for memory allocation; while definition means giving the value of that variable. The declaration is giving a prototype like simply a name. The definition is associating the task or the meaning with the prototype.
Nivu said:
5 years ago
Thanks all for explaining.
Prachi said:
6 years ago
The semicolon is not used in the function definition.
Aisha said:
7 years ago
Can you give an eg for initialization and explanation for output?
Vani said:
7 years ago
Nice explanation @Sundar.
Priyanka garg said:
8 years ago
double pow(double,double);
Is it not the function call?
Is it not the function call?
San said:
8 years ago
If pow is the functional means then what about pow?
Is it also expanded as the power of right? Do clearly explain anyone?
Is it also expanded as the power of right? Do clearly explain anyone?
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