C Programming - Declarations and Initializations - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Declarations and Initializations - General Questions (Q.No. 8)
Is the following statement a declaration or definition?
extern int i;
extern int i;
Answer: Option
Declaring is the way a programmer tells the compiler to expect a particular type, be it a variable, class/struct/union type, a function type (prototype) or a particular object instance. (ie. extern int i)
Declaration never reserves any space for the variable or instance in the program's memory; it simply a "hint" to the compiler that a use of the variable or instance is expected in the program. This hinting is technically called "forward reference".
38 comments Page 1 of 4.
Mrinmoy said:
6 years ago
This is a statement I think which is telling the compiler that x is an external variable.
The declaration is "int x;" which is declared anywhere in the program & without "int x;" line "extern int x;" will do nothing with x because this line itself is not a declaration.
The declaration is "int x;" which is declared anywhere in the program & without "int x;" line "extern int x;" will do nothing with x because this line itself is not a declaration.
Hema said:
6 years ago
Give me clear information of extern.
Rohith said:
7 years ago
Please tell me exact explanation of declaration and definition.
Hirak said:
7 years ago
What is the difference between the following two declarations of a function myfunction?
a) void myfunction (int a[ ]);
b) void myfunction (int *a);
a) void myfunction (int a[ ]);
b) void myfunction (int *a);
Rishav Jain said:
8 years ago
@Abul Asad.
Both are same, address of a is passed as an argument.
In both cases, function will receive the address of a.
In the case of array a[], address of a[0] will be automatically initialised.
Both are same, address of a is passed as an argument.
In both cases, function will receive the address of a.
In the case of array a[], address of a[0] will be automatically initialised.
Abul Asad said:
8 years ago
What is the difference between the following two declarations of a function myfunction?
a) void myfunction (int a[ ]);
b) void myfunction (int *a);
a) void myfunction (int a[ ]);
b) void myfunction (int *a);
Sumanta Kundu said:
8 years ago
int i=0 is a declaration.
But if we write
extern int i;
Then, it becomes a definition because this extern variable reserves space for 'i' and initializes 'i' to zero.
The answer given is wrong. So,the correct answer will be option B.
But if we write
extern int i;
Then, it becomes a definition because this extern variable reserves space for 'i' and initializes 'i' to zero.
The answer given is wrong. So,the correct answer will be option B.
Rahul Chauhan said:
9 years ago
Declaration of a variable/function simply declares that the variable/function exists somewhere in the program but the memory is not allocated for them.
Definition: We define a variable/function, apart from the role of the declaration, it also allocates memory for that variable/function.
Initialization: When we assigned the value of a variable.
// This is the only declaration. y is not allocated memory by this statement
extern int y;
// This is both declaration and definition, memory to x is allocated by this statement.
int x;
// This is initialization.
x = 94;
Definition: We define a variable/function, apart from the role of the declaration, it also allocates memory for that variable/function.
Initialization: When we assigned the value of a variable.
// This is the only declaration. y is not allocated memory by this statement
extern int y;
// This is both declaration and definition, memory to x is allocated by this statement.
int x;
// This is initialization.
x = 94;
Hiral said:
1 decade ago
What is difference between declaration, definition and initialization? Please help.
Vasavi said:
1 decade ago
int i;----is declaration.
int i=0;--is definition.
extern int i;--declaration.
Why because this statement declares that int i is already defined somewhere.
int i=0;--is definition.
extern int i;--declaration.
Why because this statement declares that int i is already defined somewhere.
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