C Programming - Control Instructions - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Control Instructions - General Questions (Q.No. 5)
Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch-case statement?
Answer: Option
The switch/case statement in the c language is defined by the language specification to use an int value, so you can not use a float value.
switch( expression )
case constant-expression1: statements 1;
case constant-expression2: statements 2;
case constant-expression3: statements3 ;
default : statements 4;
The value of the 'expression' in a switch-case statement must be an integer, char, short, long. Float and double are not allowed.
17 comments Page 1 of 2.
Jayakrishnan said:
8 years ago
I was performing typecast in functions. I was returning the float value from the function to calling. I am trying to performing typecast but I get the only default value zero. But the address is same I got it. Can anyone explain?
MMM said:
8 years ago
A float constant cannot be used as a case constant in a switch statement.
Gyan said:
9 years ago
But why we can'not use float and double in switch case statement?
Roopesh said:
10 years ago
Enum store integer value only.
Enumerators provides an alternate method of defining a set of integral constants.
Enumerators provides an alternate method of defining a set of integral constants.
Naveen said:
1 decade ago
enum example:
void main()
typedef enum a {A,B,C,D} alpha;
alpha m;
case 1:printf("Its enum fool");break;
case A: printf("hi A");break;
//case B:printf("HI B");break;
uncommenting case B give error because 1 and B are same.
void main()
typedef enum a {A,B,C,D} alpha;
alpha m;
case 1:printf("Its enum fool");break;
case A: printf("hi A");break;
//case B:printf("HI B");break;
uncommenting case B give error because 1 and B are same.
Bhoopee said:
1 decade ago
How can we use enum in switch statement please explain with an small example?
Aditya Chauhan said:
1 decade ago
Can We use long in switch case?
Priyanka said:
1 decade ago
You declare enum as enum{tamil, english, hindi}.
So sequential number is given for languages namely 0, 1, 2.
As integers are made use you can use enum in switch case statement. :).
So sequential number is given for languages namely 0, 1, 2.
As integers are made use you can use enum in switch case statement. :).
Rangasamy said:
1 decade ago
Can you explain the use of enum in switch statement with a program ?
Manojit said:
1 decade ago
The switch/case statement convert the float into an int and use it, so long as the resulting values and functionality meet your functional requirements.
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