C Programming - C Preprocessor - Discussion
Discussion Forum : C Preprocessor - Point Out Errors (Q.No. 2)
Point out the error in the program
int main()
int i;
#if A
printf("Enter any number:");
scanf("%d", &i);
#elif B
printf("The number is odd");
return 0;
Answer: Option
The conditional macro #if must have an #endif. In this program there is no #endif statement written.
10 comments Page 1 of 1.
Amol pansare said:
3 years ago
Very good explanation, Thanks.
Very good explanation, Thanks.
Ritik said:
4 years ago
A and B are macros @Shubh.
Shubh said:
4 years ago
What is the A and B means?
Rohan said:
6 years ago
Here it is;
int i;
Step 1: a variable(i) is declared.
#if A
printf("Enter any number:");
scanf("%d", &i);
Step 2: (i) Macro() or preprocessor can be used inside main() function..
(ii) It will execute the if condition
#elif B
printf("The number is odd");
Step 3: It will execute elif part too but #endif is missing from this program and so it will give an error.
int i;
Step 1: a variable(i) is declared.
#if A
printf("Enter any number:");
scanf("%d", &i);
Step 2: (i) Macro() or preprocessor can be used inside main() function..
(ii) It will execute the if condition
#elif B
printf("The number is odd");
Step 3: It will execute elif part too but #endif is missing from this program and so it will give an error.
Vishalakshi said:
8 years ago
Hii friends.
You are right @Shekhar. It gives an infinite loop.
You are right @Shekhar. It gives an infinite loop.
10 years ago
Infinite loop as the for loop will execute infinite number of scanf statements and therefore printf also. If still doubt, do comment. :).
Infinite loop as the for loop will execute infinite number of scanf statements and therefore printf also. If still doubt, do comment. :).
Jagadesh said:
10 years ago
int main ( )
int i;
return 0;
Can any one give me the output?
int i;
return 0;
Can any one give me the output?
Huma said:
1 decade ago
Yes we can define macros within main().
Preeti said:
1 decade ago
Yes I think. Because the above program gives output without errors when elif is replaced by endif.
Meena said:
1 decade ago
Can we include the prreprocessors inside the program?
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