Biotechnology - Vectors Uses for Animal Cell Culture

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Exercise : Vectors Uses for Animal Cell Culture - Section 1
  • Vectors Uses for Animal Cell Culture - Section 1
Yeast Replicating plasmids (YRp) carry
autonomously replicating sequence
both (a) and (c)
Answer: Option
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Which of the following viruses are used as vectors for transferring genes to animal cells?
SV 40 virus
Bovine papilloma virus (BVP)
All of these
Answer: Option
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Recombinant adeno virus can be created by deleting E1A/E 1B genes that are
transcriptional regulators and are essential for viral replication
not necessary for viral replication
coding for virus coat protein
important for packaging of viral DNA into viral head
Answer: Option
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Retroviruses have advantage for being used as vector for animal cells because
they cover a wide host range
infection does not lead to cell death, infected cells produce virus over an indefinite period
viral gene expression is driven by strong promoters
all of the above
Answer: Option
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Using bovine papilloma virus (BPV) derived vectors, permanent cell lines can be obtained carrying a recombinant DNA
episomally only
integrated only
either episomally or integrated at high copy number
either episomally or integrated at low copy number
Answer: Option
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