Biotechnology - Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal

Why should I learn to solve Biotechnology questions and answers section on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal"?

Learn and practise solving Biotechnology questions and answers section on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" to enhance your skills so that you can clear interviews, competitive examinations, and various entrance tests (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, bank exams, railway exams, etc.) with full confidence.

Where can I get the Biotechnology questions and answers section on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal"?

IndiaBIX provides you with numerous Biotechnology questions and answers based on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" along with fully solved examples and detailed explanations that will be easy to understand.

Where can I get the Biotechnology section on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" MCQ-type interview questions and answers (objective type, multiple choice)?

Here you can find multiple-choice Biotechnology questions and answers based on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

How do I download the Biotechnology questions and answers section on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" in PDF format?

You can download the Biotechnology quiz questions and answers section on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" as PDF files or eBooks.

How do I solve Biotechnology quiz problems based on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal"?

You can easily solve Biotechnology quiz problems based on "Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal - Section 1
  • Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal - Section 1
Some types of variation are due to changes in the genetic material. What is this type of change called?
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

Which of the following is the process of choosing parent organisms for the characteristics that is wanted in their offspring?
Active selection
Reproductive selection
Selective breeding
Breeding selection
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

Which protein has been produced generating a transgenic sheep that is used for replacement therapy for individuals at risk from emphysema?
Plasminogen activator (tPA)
α-anti trypsin (AAT)
Amyloid precursor proteins
Answer: Option
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Which of the following is the word used to describe what happens when the nucleus of a sperm joins with the nucleus of an egg cell?
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

DNA into fish is injected into
both (a) and (b)
none of these
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.