Biotechnology - Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
An odd number of cross overs in inverted region will result into formation of a dicentric chromatid and acentric chromatid at anaphase I incase of
pericentric inversion
paracentric inversion
double inversion
none of these
Answer: Option
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4 comments Page 1 of 1.

Priya sharma said:   7 years ago
Paracentric inversion:Two breaks on one side of centromere; arm ratio is unchanged.

Pericentric inversion:one break in each arm:often arm ratio is changed. Recombination have duplication and deficiency of chromosomes segment.

A.N. said:   7 years ago
Paracentric inversions exclude the centromere with an occurrence of break in only one arm of chromosome.

Pericentric chromosome include centromere and break in both arms of chromosome.

Saroja said:   1 decade ago
Could you please explain me how it would be occur in paracentric inversion?

Yashwanth said:   1 decade ago
Please explain how that answer is derived?

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