Biochemistry - Thermodynamics and Free Energy - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Thermodynamics and Free Energy - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
Reactions that have positive standard free energy changes (ΔGo> 0) can be made to occur in cells by
2 comments Page 1 of 1.
Khulood said:
7 years ago
Because ΔG° do not determine the reaction is endorganic or exorganic.
Suman dutta said:
1 decade ago
Since del G is greater then 0 so reaction is endothermic. To proceed, a reaction must be exothermic that's why it is essential that either there must be involvement of ATP act as energy provider (point 3) OR there must be a reaction which must be exergonic.
That's why point 4 is correct.
That's why point 4 is correct.
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