Biochemistry - Structure and Properties of Amino Acids - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Structure and Properties of Amino Acids - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
When the amino acid alanine (R-group is CH3) is added to a solution with a pH of 7.3, alanine becomes
14 comments Page 1 of 2.
Redemtus said:
4 years ago
COOH become deprotonated while NH2 become protonated.
Sheku swaray said:
6 years ago
Thanks all for explaining.
Shawul said:
8 years ago
Thank you for explained briefly.
Kennedy said:
8 years ago
Excellent explanations thanking you all for your help.
ABHIMANYU batra said:
8 years ago
Nice explanation. Thank you all.
Lama shatat said:
9 years ago
Because at physiologic pH ( ~ pH = 7.4), the carboxyl group is dissociated, forming the negatively charged carboxylate ion(-COO-) and the amino group is protonated(-NH3+).
Wangu said:
9 years ago
The amino group gains hydrogen ion that is lost from the carboxyl group.
Kate Wanjiku said:
10 years ago
Because at neutral PH alanine can either act as a base or as an acid.
Wanyama Emmanuel said:
1 decade ago
When the amino acid is placed in a solution at physiologic pH, the carboxyl group loses its hydrogen to the amino group, hence it becomes negatively charged while the amino group gets a positively charged.
VISHAL said:
1 decade ago
Because they are having both the positive and negative charges.
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