Biochemistry - Structure and Properties of Amino Acids - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Structure and Properties of Amino Acids - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
What is the end product of leucine metabolism?
Pyruvic acid
Oxaloacetic acid
Acetyl carnitine
Answer: Option
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3 comments Page 1 of 1.

Agy said:   2 years ago
Can you explain more of the dissociation mechanism?

Regina Sanco said:   1 decade ago
Actually leucine is a ketogenic amino acid in that the carbon skeleton of leucine is always degraded to Acetyl CoA during leucine metabolism.

GEOFREY COSMAS said:   1 decade ago
The leucine whenis metabolised, the amino group is cleaved leading to the formation of Urea, the remaining chain is leading to Acetyl-coa in mitochondria.

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