Biochemical Engineering - Immobilized Enzyme

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Here you can find multiple-choice Biochemical Engineering questions and answers based on "Immobilized Enzyme" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

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Exercise : Immobilized Enzyme - Section 1
  • Immobilized Enzyme - Section 1
Water insoluble enzymes can be prepared by using multifunctional agents that are bifunctional in nature and have
low molecular weight
high molecular weight
high equivalent weight
low reactivity
Answer: Option
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Functional groups of the nonessential amino acid residues that are suitable for the immobilization process are
free α-, β- or γ carb oxyl groups
α or β amino groups
phenyl, hydroxyl, sulfhydryl or imidazole groups
all of the above
Answer: Option
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Which medium is used for the production of Penicillin using immobilized cells
1% peptone medium
glucose medium
Yeast extract medium
LB broth
Answer: Option
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Which of the following is taken as an assumption in the distributed model?
The reaction occurs at every position and the kinetics of the reaction are of the same form as observed for free enzyme.
Mass transfer through the immobilized enzyme occurs via molecular diffusion
There is no mass transfer limitation at the outside surface of the spherical immobilized enzyme
All of the above
Answer: Option
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The immobilized enzyme produced by micro encapsulation technique provides
an extremely large surface area
smaller surface area
high amount of solvent
relatively smaller surface area
Answer: Option
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