Biochemical Engineering - Fermentation Reactors

Exercise : Fermentation Reactors - Section 2
In a glucose-yeast extract medium, Lactococcus lactis has a maximum specific growth rate (um) of 1.23 h-1. What would be the specific growth rate of this organism at steady state in a 4 litre reactor being fed at 2 litres per hour?
0.5 h-1
1.2 h-1
2.4 h-1
4 h-1
Answer: Option
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Which of the following is not correct with regards to continuous cultures?
The major industrial scale application of continuous cultures is in waste water treatment
Mutation and contamination present a major risk to the operation of continuous cultures for the production of metabolites
The continuous cultures is very useful for the production of pharmaceuticals
Continuous cultures have an advantage that they do not need to shut down as regularly as batch culture reactor
Answer: Option
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In a plug flow reactor, the highest concentration of substrates is exposed to the cells that
are near the effluent or exit of the reactor
are in the mid way along the reactor
are located near entrance of feed
are near the wall of the reactor
Answer: Option
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In an activated sludge process, the biomass is recycled to
increase the efficiency of the process
reduce sludge volumes
increase the concentration of cells
all of the above
Answer: Option
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A strain of Escherichia coli has a maximum specific growth rate of 0.8 h-1 on a glucose based medium. If this organism is being grown in a chemostat with a dilution rate of 1.2 h-1, then at steady state the concentration of E. coli in the same medium will
be zero
change randomly
Answer: Option
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