Verbal Reasoning - Cube and Cuboid - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Cube and Cuboid - Cube and Cuboid 1 (Q.No. 5)
Directions to Solve
The following questions are based on the information given below:
- A cuboid shaped wooden block has 6 cm length, 4 cm breadth and 1 cm height.
- Two faces measuring 4 cm x 1 cm are coloured in black.
- Two faces measuring 6 cm x 1 cm are coloured in red.
- Two faces measuring 6 cm x 4 cm are coloured in green.
- The block is divided into 6 equal cubes of side 1 cm (from 6 cm side), 4 equal cubes of side 1 cm(from 4 cm side).
How many cubes will remain if the cubes having black and green coloured are removed ?
Answer: Option
Number of small cubes which are Black and Green is 8 in all.
Hence, the number of remaining cubes are = 24 - 8 = 16
13 comments Page 2 of 2.
Chaitanya Reddy.M said:
1 decade ago
Here 6x4 small cubes are there so from top view from one side 2 small cubes and from another side 2cubes that is total 4cubes from top view and from bottom view their are 4cube total 8 cubes which are having only two colors black and green,those are removed from the total number of cube that is 24-8=16.
So ans is 16 cubes
So ans is 16 cubes
Dhiraj said:
1 decade ago
All no of cubes which colored by green and black both = 8.
Because black colored in left and right both sides,
When we remove these two sides we will have only. 16 small cubes.
Those colored only with red & green.
Do you understand shilpi.
Because black colored in left and right both sides,
When we remove these two sides we will have only. 16 small cubes.
Those colored only with red & green.
Do you understand shilpi.
Shilpy said:
1 decade ago
Here the no. of cubes with black and green colour are 12.
Hence no. of remaining cubes are=24-12=12.
Is it correct?
Hence no. of remaining cubes are=24-12=12.
Is it correct?
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