Verbal Ability - One Word Substitutes - Discussion
Discussion Forum : One Word Substitutes - Section 1 (Q.No. 22)
Directions to Solve
In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
A drawing on transparent paper
27 comments Page 3 of 3.
Subhajit said:
10 years ago
In response to my last comment I am regretfully accept my limitation and audacity radiated through my past comment. But still the transparent is quite a thing I cannot absorb a bit.
Subhajit said:
10 years ago
If one ever see blue print it is quite evident to them that the paper is transparent and it is placed on something to get the design or to draw something resemble from it. What they trying to mean here is far beyond the knowledge or can say understanding of mine.
Doksy saifi said:
10 years ago
It would be negative not transparency.
Jigna said:
1 decade ago
I was wondering the same. Why not negative?
Srikanth said:
1 decade ago
Why can't it be negative?
1 decade ago
Negative of photos are transparent, so why not - NEGATIVE.
Inder said:
1 decade ago
Transparency means see though it doesn't have any connection with drawing on it. Will you please explain why it is "D".
Thank you in advance :).
Thank you in advance :).
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