Placement Papers - Wipro

Wipro Technologies
Wipro Interview Experience - Chennai SRM & 12 and 13 sep 19
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FIRST of all don\'t panic about aptitude. Its very easy to crack if you are prepared enough. Wipro visited our campus on 12 Sept 19 for on campus drive.

Wipro recruitment consists of three rounds.

1. Written test.

It was conducted by aspiring minds (AMCAT).
Contains verbal, quants, coding, writex.

1. Verbal not so hard not so easy. You should prepare well to score good in this section.

Topics to be covered generally (15 QUESTS).

1. Synonyms and antonyms (3).
2. Comprehension (8M).
3. Error spotting (3).
4. Usage of correct tense (1).

2. Quants totally 15 questions are there.

First questions were basic quants.
Next seven medium to hard.
Remaining advanced.

IndiaBix is good to crack this section.
Revise IndiaBix, strong in basic formulas.


1. Profit and loss
2. Time, speed &dist.
3. Number system (powers)
4. S.I &C.I
5. H.C.F and L.C.M. Prepare accord to syllabus given by them.

3. Logical. Don\'t be careless about this section. Concentrate a bit to crack this section easily.

Topics to be covered.

1. Seating arrangement
2. Number series (important).
3. Direction sense
4. Coding pattern (imp).

Out of 4500 (approxi) students. Only 1367 were cracked this aptitude and called for both technical and HR interview on very next day.

4. Coding section. Be thorough in strings and arrays most of the questions from that only.

You need to solve 2 coding questions in 45 mins.
You must clear at-least 1 program to get sectional cutoff.

5. Next section is writex.

You are given 15 mins to write an essay about particular topic.
The topic given to me was "the educational achievement of student depends on parents, friends and society".
Divide your essay as three stanza.

First for intro and second three for positive and negative aspects. Be concise in negative aspect.

Once you cleared aptitude, next rounds are cakewalk if you are good in communication. Don\'t use advanced English. It ll not offer you any extra mark. Words should be in the range around 150 to 350 is good for perfect essay. Don\'t make any spelling mistake. Give some time to check for spelling mistakes in essay. It will lower your mark.

Technical interview (for non-core branch student).

1. What is pointer.
2. Stack and queue.
3. While and dowhile diff.
4. Oops basic concepts.
5. Asked me to write factorial or fibo and explain.

And I wrote fibo and explained. Be confident while explaining the logic. If you explained correctly they evaluate yourself as good.

6. calloc and malloc diff.

For non core branch students select your fav subject in your core and be prepared with it. They will ask some question from that. Your resume is your syllabus.
Areas of interest, technical skills, in-plant, especially projects. Be ready to answer the questions from this.
With god\'s grace I answered all the above questions.
Finally gone for after 4 hrs of waiting at 9 pm HR round.

They will see your level of confidence, communication and situation handling.

HR asked.

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. In-plant.
3. Relocation.
4. Agreement.
5. Want some coffee.

Finally completed the interview at 9 p.m. without having lunch and dinner.

After two days result announced I got selected the NEWS came from my placement department finally hard work paid off. Thank you be confident at interview.