Placement Papers - Wipro

Wipro Technologies
Wipro Interview Questions an Experience - Kolkata, 10/09/2019
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1st Round-: Online test (AMCAT Platform)

Verbal section, logical section, quantitative aptitude,2 codes in 60 mins,25 mins for essay writing.

So since its AMCAT platform there was no negative marking and it is an adaptive test. I found logical and verbal quiet easy, quantitative section was moderate,  in code 1 was easy other was moderate, I managed to complete 1 program full with all the test cases and second one partial with 6 out of 10 cases. Written English was also easy, since I was already briefed by my seniors so I managed to use least no of backspaces, punctuation and coherence among the paragraphs. From quant section it had 16 qs to be solved in 16 mins (I Did all and was sure 15 was right) and from logical reasoning we had 25 questions in 35 mins again as I said it was easy(I did all and was sure all will be right).

So after 1 hour, results were declared and I was shortlisted for the interview. Each round was an elimination round.

2nd Round-:Technical Interview (I am from ECE branch)

1) Write a code for bubble sort?
2) Write a code to reverse a sequence of digits?
3) What are multiplexers?
4) what are latches?
5) What are flip flops?
6) Difference between sr and jk flip flop?
7) What is edge and level trigger?
8) Concept of final year project?

So basically my tr lasted for around 20 mins. Questions were asked from my cv only, and the interviewer was very humble and calm and initially explained me about the package , training , and work ethics of Wipro.

So after tr , within 2 mins I was called for hr round. As I had mentioned above each round was an elimination round, so some of the candidates were told to leave the premises after the tr round.

3rd round-: HR Round

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) Family details?
3) Educational details?
4) Project explanation?
5) Willing to relocate to Chennai?
6) Comfortable with shifts?
7) Which programming languages are u comfortable with?
8) How much will u rate yourself out of 10 in c coding.?
9) Are you willing to learn java, python?
10) Which recent digital technologies u know brief about it (I briefed about IOT,AI,AND ML)?
11) Any question for me?

So hr round also lasted for 20 mins and I was here also briefed about the company growth rate , and milestones which it has achieved. interviewer also briefed me about the onsite opportunities being provided to employees and Wipro digital contests.

So this was my whole interview experience and the d " day was 20th September when the results were name was called among the final selected was the best feeling which I could not express via words#placed#wipro technologies.

All the best !