Placement Papers - ORACLE

Oracle Financial Services Software Pvt. Ltd. - Mumbai, 14th September 2014.
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Hi all,

I am sharing my Interview experience with OFSS.
Duration of Drive- 15 Days.
Total Rounds- 3 (Each round is an elimination).

It was a pooled campus (termed as Off Campus by OFSS) drive for few colleges of MU for 2014 batch. We were informed about the drive on 25th August. Initially the Aptitude test was scheduled on 28th August, but it did not happen. Rather the HR had sent an email stating that Apti would be conducted on 31st August at 3pm.


Aptitude test(75 minutes).
Level(Medium -to-very difficult).

It consisted of 4 sections:

1. Analytical skills - 15 questions(Medium-to-difficult):

Questions on blood relations, patterns, Etc.

2. Computer Skills(Technical) - 20 questions(Easy-to-medium):

Questions from almost all domains including C++, OS, SQL, HTML, Etc. Were asked but were very easy and just tests the basic skills. Practice questions from, the questions were asked as it is.

3. Quantitative skills - 15 questions(Medium-to-very difficult):

Questions covering concepts of Compound Interest, Time and work, time and distance, Trigonometry, Profit and loss, Etc.

4. Verbal Ability - 10 questions(medium-to-very difficult):

This section was the best and it covers questions relating to Synonyms-Antonyms, Para jumbles, Para completion, Etc.

The questions were not too difficult, but were designed in a tricky manner which may make them tough.

Note :

1. Sections 1 and 3 are time consuming.
2. For section 2 no need to know detailed concepts just a rough idea is enough
3. In section 4, alertness is the must factor, because even answers like "None of These " do exist.

The result as supposed to be announced on 3rd September, but the HR had sent mails to everyone about their respective results irrespective of whether you are shortlisted or not on 5th September. And for those shortlisted they provided a form attached to the mail. Your Interview is completely based on the details you provide in that form.

I was Lucky enough to proceed further.

The Technical Round and HR Round was scheduled on 14th September at OFSS Office.

Technical Interview(Approx. 20 minutes).

1. Tell me something about yourself?
2. Academic projects, each and every minute details?
3. Explain the coding involved in your project?
4. Difference between C++ and Java?
5. What is OOP?
6. What is structured programming?
7. Encapsulation in Java?
8. About the Elective subjects that I opted for and why did I opt for it.
9. Give an example, where you had a biggest setback and emerged out of it successfully.
10. Do you know RDBMS,SQL? I said No.
11. What are your aspirations in life?

That was it.

Since, I was from Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Background, I was not asked detailed concepts of programming, but others who belonged to IT/CS were asked in depth concepts on it.

Within 5 minutes I was told that, I am shortlisted for HR Round.

Note - Confidence is the key to crack this interview and Technical questions from are helpful.

HR Discussion(Approx. 15 minutes).

The HR introduced herself to me and later asked:

1. Introduce yourself?
2. Hobbies apart from what is written in the CV and Application form.
3. Do you have any offer in hand?
4. Then why OFSS?
5. What do you know about OFSS?
6. What is your Career plan?
7. Any questions for me?

That was it.


1. Confidence is must throughout the process.
2. Be careful while filling the Application form, entire Interview process is dependent on it.

The result was supposed to be sent via an Email only to the selected candidates by 19th September.

I received an email on 17th September stating that I am selected.

Thank You,
I hope it helps.