Placement Papers - Mphasis
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Hi Friends
This is Abhishek Kumar, B.E (CS), final year student of AMC Engg. College, Bangalore, and I wud like to share my experience with all of u..
There were mainly 3 rounds in Mphasis pool campus recruitment procedure.
1. Written aptitude test
2. Technical Interview
3. HR Interview
On 19th Sep there was a written exam, approx 500 students from various collages gave the written test.
1. written test
! NO SETS ! (all are same)
> written test will be conducted by merit track group.
> sections are :-
1. English (reading paragraph) 2 nos. (10q)
(very easy) solve at last
2. data sufficiency ..
like if answer can be solved by one statement only or both (20q)
(easy but time taking ... i solved this first)
3. Maths...
simple simple maths q from profit loss, %, mixture, ages, speed & time
(very easy ... 20 q)
4. C and Data structure:- Some theory q from C and data structure mainly malloc & calloc. simple program for finding output study increment operator properly (i++, ++i etc) It was a 1 hr paper, after 3 or 4 hour, result of written test was declared. Out of 500 students they selected about 160 students...
>>when they were announcing results they did a mistake in my name with college name. So I went home after this.. but after ½ an hour my name was again called so my friend called me.. I came to college again as soon as possible. (so check ur name with college name once again before leaving)
>> second round will be technical intri.
> Thy will ask u C, C++, data structure, OS, DBMS etc
(simple q) explain maximum q by writing in paper front of him)
>> Third round HR interview
They will just ask ur intro, ur hobby, why mphy, where do u want to see ur self after 2 years. (For me there was no technical round as in hr she told i have good score in C & dc 18/20. In HR only she told me u r selected she gave me her card and told me to submit All my marks card tomorrow in office, as I was not having marks card
>>> so solve d & c very nicely because they will decide u on this. again I was asked to wait outside for 5 min, and then a volunteer announced the biggest achievement of my life!! I was the happiest person on this earth when he said u r SELECTED!!
Finally at the end 79 students got selected. From my collage 18 got selected and 7 of which were from my branch including me.. The very next day I got my intent letter after submitting my marks card. Today (1 month after test) I got my OFFER LETTER.
Abhishek Kumar
This is Abhishek Kumar, B.E (CS), final year student of AMC Engg. College, Bangalore, and I wud like to share my experience with all of u..
There were mainly 3 rounds in Mphasis pool campus recruitment procedure.
1. Written aptitude test
2. Technical Interview
3. HR Interview
On 19th Sep there was a written exam, approx 500 students from various collages gave the written test.
1. written test
! NO SETS ! (all are same)
> written test will be conducted by merit track group.
> sections are :-
1. English (reading paragraph) 2 nos. (10q)
(very easy) solve at last
2. data sufficiency ..
like if answer can be solved by one statement only or both (20q)
(easy but time taking ... i solved this first)
3. Maths...
simple simple maths q from profit loss, %, mixture, ages, speed & time
(very easy ... 20 q)
4. C and Data structure:- Some theory q from C and data structure mainly malloc & calloc. simple program for finding output study increment operator properly (i++, ++i etc) It was a 1 hr paper, after 3 or 4 hour, result of written test was declared. Out of 500 students they selected about 160 students...
>>when they were announcing results they did a mistake in my name with college name. So I went home after this.. but after ½ an hour my name was again called so my friend called me.. I came to college again as soon as possible. (so check ur name with college name once again before leaving)
>> second round will be technical intri.
> Thy will ask u C, C++, data structure, OS, DBMS etc
(simple q) explain maximum q by writing in paper front of him)
>> Third round HR interview
They will just ask ur intro, ur hobby, why mphy, where do u want to see ur self after 2 years. (For me there was no technical round as in hr she told i have good score in C & dc 18/20. In HR only she told me u r selected she gave me her card and told me to submit All my marks card tomorrow in office, as I was not having marks card
>>> so solve d & c very nicely because they will decide u on this. again I was asked to wait outside for 5 min, and then a volunteer announced the biggest achievement of my life!! I was the happiest person on this earth when he said u r SELECTED!!
Finally at the end 79 students got selected. From my collage 18 got selected and 7 of which were from my branch including me.. The very next day I got my intent letter after submitting my marks card. Today (1 month after test) I got my OFFER LETTER.
Abhishek Kumar
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Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal (English)
Placement Papers