Placement Papers - Mphasis

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Hi Friends

This is Manoj Kumar Kola, I attended Mphasis in BITS, Warangal on 27th October 2007. It consists of 4 rounds n they are
1) Written
2) GD
3) Technical
4) HR

The written was really very easy it consists of 10 comprehension passage, 20 aptitude, 15 reasoning n 15 technical. u have to be carefull about technical. there is sectional cutoff. we attended nearly 800 for written; out of 800 only 56 through the written, one has to remember each n every round is elemination round 

In GD 10 per batch. they will give each one seperate topic n gave 2 mins. in that 2 mins 1 min to think about n remaining time to speak about it. I got the topic "Should smoking be banned?" in this round only 20 out of 56 were sent to the next round

In Technical round each one has interviewed for nearly half an hour to one hour. I belong to electrical branch my technical experience is as follows
Me: May i come in sir?
Hr: Yes
Me: Good Evening sir (with good smilimg face)
Hr: Well Manoj! u r this much energetic even at this time (8:45 PM)
Me: I m always energetic sir
Hr: What is the secret behind this manoj?
Me: Explained
Hr: k how will u rate ur self in C between 1 to 10 ? 1 is very low n 10 is very high?
Me: 7 sir
Hr: k thats good
Me: than q sir
Hr: can u write a program for structures using alphabets, numericals n alphanumerics
Me: explained
Hr: good Manoj next he asked 2 more programs about C
Me: written

In this technical round only 8 went for HR n all d 8 got selected. k keep in mind all the above points n get succeed in Mphasis recruitments