Placement Papers - HPCL

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
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Hi Friends

this is Swaroopnaik.M from hyderabad. Now I am studying first year M.Tech (Chemical) in IIT-Kharagpur. I attended for HPCL written exam at test centre of Jagruti Engg College, Hyderabad. So, here I am sharing some of the types of HPCL conducted on 24th may 2009. This is the pattern

The test will consists of two parts :
Part-I : 120 questions
Part-II : 50 questions
Time: 2 hours, No negative marking

Part-I : Quantitative, English Language and Intellectual ability (Reasoning) - 120 questions

English Language: In this 40 questions like Antonims, Articles, Antonyms, Reading passage and correction of sentences.

Quantitative: In this section also they have given around 40 questions, they asked about ratios, percentages, train problems, permutations, ages and series etc

Intelluctual Ability: In this also they have given 40 questions, here they gave some series of fiugures and asked find the next figure. and two statements are given and asked to find the conclusion (these are given more)

Part-II : Technical Knowledge - 50 questions

This is Technical section, In this they asked mainly on the basics only. here I was mentioning only the type of questions will come
Many questions asked on
PETROLIUM (Major) - Petrolium compositions and process, mixtures etc
Chemical technology - manufacturing of chemicals
Mass transfer - Diffusion,Coefficient, distillation, Absorbtion etc.
Fluid Mechanics - Flow pattern, viscosity, shear rate, turbulence, laminar flows boundary layer problems etc.
CRE - rate equations, tank problems, series, parlel reactions, finding volume of tank, time etc.
Heat Transfer - Finding Heat tranfer coefficient, area and films and etc.
Process Instrumentation - controllers, temperature and pressure measurement devices etc.
PDC - loops, time distributions etc.

Total written exam time is 2 hours and total questions are 170. So here time management is very important.

Author : Swaroop Naik.M