Placement Papers - HPCL

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Hi Friends
This is Kathari. Sudhakar from Sullurupet. I am studying final year B.Tech (Instrumentation) in NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar. I attended for HPCL written exam at test centre of Surana College, Bangalore. Before attending I struggled a lot for knowing the test pattern. So, here I am giving the test pattern of HPCL conducted on 2nd March 2008.
The test will consists of two parts.
Part-I: 120 questions,
Part-II: 50 questions.
time: 2hours, No negative marking
Part-I: this section consists of Quantitative, English Language and Intellectual ability (reasoning)-120 questions
Part-II: this section consists of questions from Technical Knowledge-50 questions
Total written exam time is 2 hours and total questions is 170. so here time management is very important. here i will give clearly what type of questions they asked
English Language: they given around 40 questions from this, like prepositions, articles, meanings, antonyms, reading passage and correction of sentences
Quantitative : in this section also they given around 40 questions, they asked about ratios, percentages, etc
Intelluctual Ability: here also they given 40 questions, here they given some series of figures and asked find the next figure. and two statements are given and asked find the conclusion and also they given one conclusion, they asked find the correct statement like wise they asked 40 questions from reasoning.
This is Technical section, here i given what type of questions they asked and the topics also for Instrumentation branch
they asked mainly on the following topics, these all are basics only,
control systems, micro processor, op-amps, transducers, measurements, logic circuits and some from micro controllers,they asked most of the questions from control systems and digital electronics.
all questions are objective type questions, so we have to answer 170 questions from 120 min. so time management is very important.
This is Kathari. Sudhakar from Sullurupet. I am studying final year B.Tech (Instrumentation) in NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar. I attended for HPCL written exam at test centre of Surana College, Bangalore. Before attending I struggled a lot for knowing the test pattern. So, here I am giving the test pattern of HPCL conducted on 2nd March 2008.
The test will consists of two parts.
Part-I: 120 questions,
Part-II: 50 questions.
time: 2hours, No negative marking
Part-I: this section consists of Quantitative, English Language and Intellectual ability (reasoning)-120 questions
Part-II: this section consists of questions from Technical Knowledge-50 questions
Total written exam time is 2 hours and total questions is 170. so here time management is very important. here i will give clearly what type of questions they asked
English Language: they given around 40 questions from this, like prepositions, articles, meanings, antonyms, reading passage and correction of sentences
Quantitative : in this section also they given around 40 questions, they asked about ratios, percentages, etc
Intelluctual Ability: here also they given 40 questions, here they given some series of figures and asked find the next figure. and two statements are given and asked find the conclusion and also they given one conclusion, they asked find the correct statement like wise they asked 40 questions from reasoning.
This is Technical section, here i given what type of questions they asked and the topics also for Instrumentation branch
they asked mainly on the following topics, these all are basics only,
control systems, micro processor, op-amps, transducers, measurements, logic circuits and some from micro controllers,they asked most of the questions from control systems and digital electronics.
all questions are objective type questions, so we have to answer 170 questions from 120 min. so time management is very important.
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Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal (English)
Placement Papers