Placement Papers - HAL

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
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Hi Friends

I am metallurgical engineer, I appeared for the test conducted for Management Trainee (Technical).

There was 2 section classified as

Section -I : Non-Technical
In Non Technical Section there was 50 Question which comprises of 10 question of quantitative Aptitude (time distance, speed, Percentage and profit & loss)
15 question from English having analogies, sentence correction, fill in the blanks, etc
25 question of Reasoning (Inductive reasoning, Logical reasoning, Critical reasoning, verbal and Non Verbal reasoning) paper was not too much tough

But u need to do some hard and smart work to be a part of Esteem HAL. Next section was technical having 100 Question.

In Metallurgical engineering ques were asked from physical Metallurgy book by V raghvan specifically from Engineering Metals and alloy. Total time allotted was 150min 

Yuvraj P.Hedaoo