Placement Papers - Blue Star

Blue Star
BlueStar Infotech Placement Paper Pattern Part - 1
Posted by :
Rajershi shukla
Bob Technologies placement paper 1  
Paper : BlueStar Infotech Placement Paper Pattern Part - 1 

1st Round " GD " Topics "
 1. What should India to improve its winning chances against  australia  in forthcoming tour. 
2. America \'s War on  Iraq . 
3. Freedom of Press. 
4.Latest developments on India-Pakistan peace process.
5.Effect of tv on society.
  Each group was given two topics and they had to discuss 5 minutes on each topic.
 2nd Round " Written Test " 47 questions in 1 hour. All were technical. No negative marking.
 3rd Round " Personal Interview.
  All three round were shortlisting rounds.
Montreal  protocol limits the use of _______ ? ans. Ozone depleting substance
 Rain drop is spherical due to ________ ? ans. Surface tension
 Global warming is due to _______ ? ans. Carbon-di-oxide
 One ton of refrigeration is equal to_______ ? ans. 12000 btu/hr
 For a laminar flow Reynolds flow should be ______ ? ans. Less than 2000
 In latent heating a substance _________ ? ans. Changes phase without increase in temperature
 Degree of saturation is ratio of _______ ?
 A pipe friction test shows that, over the range of speeds used for the test, the non-dimensional friction factor f, varies inversely with Reynolds No. It can be inferred from above that, ans. Pipe should be smooth.
 In a rough turbulent flow in a pipe, the friction factor would depend upon? Ans. Pipe diameter and pipe condition.
 What is the refrigerant used in vapour absorption cycle?
 Pick the odd one out. F12, F22, F11, CO
 Expansion in a vapour compression cycle is an_______ ? ans. Isenthalpic process
 What is the work of throttling process? Ans. Expansion
 What is the material of heat exchanger tubes? Ans. Copper
 Tachometer is used to measure _________ ? ans. Speed
 Mercury is used in manometer because ________ ?
 Check valves are used to ensure ________ ? ans. Unidirectional flow
 Anti-freeze agent used is _________? Ans. Ethylene glycol
 Anemometer can be used to measure _________ ?
 Bypass factor of a cooling coil is _________?
 Aspect ratio of a rectangular duct is the ratio between its _______ ?
 The temp that is numerically the same in Fahrenheit & centigrade scales is ________ ?
 The loudness of sound depends upon its ________ ?
 Dewpoint is the temperature at which water vapor will undergo ________ ? ans. Condensation
 One question using the formula 120fs/p
 In inductance _______ leads _______ ?
 Power factor is least in ______ ? a. capacitance b. resistance c. inductance
 Barometer is used to measure _______ ?
 Identify the odd one out
 a. DIN
 b. ISI
 c. JIS
 d. IIT
If the NPSH requirements of a pump are not satisfied it will _______ ?
 Approach of a cooling tower is the difference between temperatures of ________ ?
 A parallel flow heat exchanger will perform better than a counter flow heat exchanger. State whether this is true or false
 The index that normally reflects laminar flow in a tube is ______ ? ans. Reynolds no.
 Pressure drop in air duct is influenced by __________ ? ans. shape of the duct
 By increasing the intake air temp, efficiency of IC engine will _______ ? ans. decrease
Interview questions
Person 1
Tell about urself (Background specifically)    
 What do u know about bluestar?    
 What are its products?    
 What is the type of air conditioner used in this interview room?    
 We are going to appoint u as a sales executive for a product which is newly produced by bluestar. But that product is being produced by its competitors.    
How will u promote the product?    
   How will u show difference from  ur  competitors?    
 Why haven\'t u continued  ur  painting art works? ( The person had said I used to do paintings once)    
 Why did u choose mechanical engineering when  coimbatore  is famous for textiles?    
 What is  ur  aim in life?    
 How will u achieve that? 

Tell about urself.    
Why did u choose bluestar?    
Tell about  ur  family.    
Whether u are payment or free seat?    
What is  ur  fee structure?    
How will u satisfy  ur  customers?    
U are talking a lot. But do u know whether u are listening to u are not? How?    
How do u say that u have management skills?    
What do u do other than studies?    
You are supposed to sell a product in a place which is very new to you.(u don\'t know that language). There are no dealers also. How will u sell the product?    
What is  ur  ambition?    
What is  ur  weakness ?