Non Verbal Reasoning - Analytical Reasoning - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Analytical Reasoning - Section 1 (Q.No. 4)

Find the number of triangles in the given figure.

Answer: Option

The figure may be labelled as shown.

The simplest triangles are AHB, GHI, BJC, GFE, GIE, IJE, CEJ and CDE i.e. 8 in number.

The triangles composed of two components each are HEG, BEC, HBE, JGE and ICE i.e. 5 in number.

The triangles composed of three components each are FHE, GCE and BED i.e. 3 in number.

There is only one triangle i.e. AGC composed of four components.

There is only one triangle i.e. AFD composed of nine components.

Thus, there are 8 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 18 triangles in the given figure.

32 comments Page 4 of 4.

Gopal said:   1 decade ago
Is there any shortcut or any formula to solve such problems !

Ishan said:   1 decade ago
Is there any technique available to solve this problem using permutation and combination method?if its there then such type of problem can be easily solve.

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