Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Engineering Mechanics - Section 1 (Q.No. 5)
The coefficient of restitution for elastic bodies is one.
Answer: Option
Coefficient of restitution for elastic bodies is 0 - 1.
Coefficient of restitution for perfect elastic bodies is 1.
51 comments Page 2 of 6.
Sandip Thakkar said:
8 years ago
For Perfectly Elastic - 1.
For Elastic - 0 to 1.
For Inelastic - 0.
For Elastic - 0 to 1.
For Inelastic - 0.
Ramkumar said:
9 years ago
Collision means change in size of body.
Satish said:
9 years ago
What is collision?
Amit said:
9 years ago
There is no perfect elastic body.
An object that gains it's original shape after removal of the load is known as an elastic body.
So according to my point of view answer is 1.
An object that gains it's original shape after removal of the load is known as an elastic body.
So according to my point of view answer is 1.
Ravi said:
9 years ago
Question is asked for elastic bodies hence, it's an elastic collision that is no K. E is lost.
Therefore, the Coeff is 1.
Therefore, the Coeff is 1.
Arnab said:
9 years ago
The coefficient of restitution = Relative speed after collision/Relative speed before the collision.
The coefficient of restitution for perfectly elastic bodies is 1 and for perfectly inelastic is 0. And it varies for 0 to 1. So, the correct answer would be [A].
The coefficient of restitution for perfectly elastic bodies is 1 and for perfectly inelastic is 0. And it varies for 0 to 1. So, the correct answer would be [A].
Anil @ said:
9 years ago
Friends, how to find out the co-efficient of restitution. By using velocity and height of the object after impact.
Akanksha said:
10 years ago
What is coefficient of restitution? Can you give examples of elastic collision b/w elastic bodies?
Ajithkumar said:
10 years ago
An elastic collision is defined as one in which both conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy are observed.
Ahmed Nazir said:
10 years ago
Coefficient of Restitution is represented by 'e'.
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