Mechanical Engineering - Automobile Engineering - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Automobile Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 7)
The function of an alternator in an automobile is to
supply electric power
convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
continually recharge the battery
partly convert engine power into electric power
Answer: Option
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Ravindran S said:   1 decade ago
Battery is used to start the engine. Once the engine starts, Alternator takes charge of powering the whole electrical system. One of the functions is charging battery. Hence I would say the correct answer is to "supply electric power" I. E) [A] in the answer sheet.

Partha Roy said:   1 decade ago
There is a basic difference between alternator and dinamo 1. Alternator can produce current with a minimum revolution where dinamo need a maximum revolution to produce current. One thing I would like to mention that alternator and dinamo both are produce alternative current. The alternator has three phase and dinamo has two phase. That is the main cause dinamo need more revolution to produce same amount of current related to alternator.

Er. Hemant Gupta said:   1 decade ago
Basically alternature convert mechanical energy in AC power, then it will be use in various form like battery charging, light, horn etc & dynamometer use for converting mechanical power in DC Energy.

For another query contact me on my email.

Naveen thakre said:   1 decade ago
Basically alternator use for convert mechanical energy to electrical energy but in automobile function it use only for continuously recharge the battery.

Mahadev said:   1 decade ago
@Naveen thakre is right. i.e.. When engine is off battery supplies electricity for lights, horn, etc and also to crank the engine. After engine starts the alternator recharges the battery and supplies power for the electrical load.

Mars said:   1 decade ago
When vehicle is in static position, using the electric devices absorb much current. So we say the alternator is meant to convert mechanical energy to electric energy in other to recharge the battery when the engine is start.

Avijit said:   10 years ago
When engine starts the engine covert mechanical energy to electrical energy and storage the power in the battery. And other time the power of the battery distribute the electricity in the engine starts.

Gokula kannan.T said:   10 years ago
The name itself has that alternate so it well alternately charges the battery.

Seenu jegan said:   10 years ago
I was using alternator in my project instead of motor then how can you say alternator is used to continually recharge the battery.

Manojkumar said:   10 years ago
Alternator main function is its convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Its charging the battery or store the the energy is secondary.

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