Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.

HR Interview
Points to remember before you answer this interview question:
  • Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
  • Kindly answer this question as best you can.
  • Post your answer now.
99 posts Page 1 of 10.

Kailash Dutt said:   9 months ago
It seems that criticism can not be wrong because we get the chance to improve our faults so that we never make the same mistake.

PragnAnand said:   12 months ago

Firstly I say, "No one is perfect in this world everyone wants perfection". So, whenever someone criticized my work I never feel bad because they are indirectly let me know my mistake and it will let me to improve my knowledge.

Actually, I learned a lot from mistakes. I believe that, "Making a mistake is not a mistake but repeating the mistake is a mistake".

Kanti V. Maurya said:   1 year ago
Yes, It's happen many times but I keep my self calm and gradually I proof myself. I just listen if my mistake than I will be improve it , if my mistake not their than I just ignore them and their words . I only focus my own work that's make me unique..

Manjunath Kommuru said:   2 years ago
Firstly no humans are perfect in their life.

Every person's mistakes give them a chance to learn something. If someone is criticized it's time to prove to yourself that you are the best and you can do it.

Shahab said:   2 years ago

Firstly, Nothing is perfect in this world. So, whenever someone criticized my work I never feel bad because they are telling me the mistake and it give me to improve my knowledge.

Actually, I learned a lot from the mistake.

NITIN DADARWAL said:   3 years ago
As being a responsible employee I did my all job with honesty and utmost responsibility so it had been never criticised.

Shikha jha said:   3 years ago
Being in a responsible position at assigned roles for me which I handle, I am not criticizing unless knowing the exact reason.

Nissymolthomas said:   3 years ago
Being in a responsible position at assigned roles for me which I handle, I am not criticizing unless knowing the exact reason.

Aaftab Luhar said:   4 years ago
I always criticized by my plant head by word "you are not work with full of your efficiency" and I working better than before. And he gave me more and more difficult tasks. Because of that my working skills are better than before. I always taken his criticized words in a positive ways and so I develop my skills in industry.

Sasidhar said:   4 years ago
Being in a responsible position at assigned rolls for me which I handle, I am not criticizing unless knowing exact reason.

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