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Discussion Forum : General Science - Elements and Metals (Q.No. 9)
Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically
27 comments Page 3 of 3.
Vuppala rajesh said:
1 decade ago
Quartz is crystal, but it is not a chemical product.
Junu said:
1 decade ago
Chemically, quartz is a compound called silicon dioxide. When a crystal of quartz is properly cut and mounted, it can be made to vibrate, or oscillate, using an alternating electric current; each oscillation, in turn, causes a voltage change across the crystal, which can be detected by a suitable electronic circuit.
The frequency at which the crystal oscillates is dependent on its shape and size, and the positions at which electrodes are placed on it. If the crystal is accurately shaped and positioned, it will oscillate at a desired frequency; in clocks and watches, the frequency is usually 32,768 Hz, as a crystal for this frequency is conveniently small, and as this frequency is a power of two and can easily be counted using a 15-bit binary digital counter. Is correct.
The frequency at which the crystal oscillates is dependent on its shape and size, and the positions at which electrodes are placed on it. If the crystal is accurately shaped and positioned, it will oscillate at a desired frequency; in clocks and watches, the frequency is usually 32,768 Hz, as a crystal for this frequency is conveniently small, and as this frequency is a power of two and can easily be counted using a 15-bit binary digital counter. Is correct.
Khalifa aliyu said:
1 decade ago
Quartz is the chemical mixture of silicon dioxide.
Sunil said:
1 decade ago
Chemically, quartz is a compound called silicon dioxide. When a crystal of quartz is properly cut and mounted, it can be made to vibrate, or oscillate, using an alternating electric current; each oscillation, in turn, causes a voltage change across the crystal, which can be detected by a suitable electronic circuit. The frequency at which the crystal oscillates is dependent on its shape and size, and the positions at which electrodes are placed on it. If the crystal is accurately shaped and positioned, it will oscillate at a desired frequency; in clocks and watches, the frequency is usually 32,768 Hz, as a crystal for this frequency is conveniently small, and as this frequency is a power of two and can easily be counted using a 15-bit binary digital counter.
Akshatha said:
1 decade ago
Which liquid is metal?
Subrahmanyam said:
1 decade ago
Quartz is obtained from the pure form of silicon dioxide (sand).
Chinni said:
1 decade ago
In sio2 only the quartz metal is found
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