Data Interpretation - Pie Charts - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Pie Charts - Pie Chart 7 (Q.No. 2)
Directions to Solve

Study the following pie-chart and the table and answer the questions based on them.

Proportion of Population of Seven Villages in 1997

Village % Population Below Poverty Line

The ratio of population of village T below poverty line to that of village Z below poverty line in 1997 is:
11 : 23
13 : 11
23 : 11
11 : 13
Answer: Option

Let N be the total population of all the seven villages.

Then, population of village T below poverty line = 46% of (21% of N)

and Population of villages Z below the poverty line = 42% of (11% of N)

Therefore Required ratio = 46% of (21% of N) = 46 x 21 = 23/11.
42% of (11 % of N) 42 x 11

14 comments Page 2 of 2.

Gupreet kaur said:   1 decade ago
What value are 21 and 11? how this arranged? please any one explain me.

Divya said:   1 decade ago
How 46*21 and 42*11 came. What values are 21 and 11?

Ravi said:   1 decade ago

The total population has to consider for calculating the ratios.. And so 46*21 / 42*11 would give u the answer 23:11

Praveen said:   1 decade ago
How this possible explain briefly please?

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