Civil Engineering - Theory of Structures - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Theory of Structures - Section 3 (Q.No. 1)
If a concrete column 200 x 200 mm in cross-section is reinforced with four steel bars of 1200 mm2 total cross-sectional area. Calculate the safe load for the column if permissible stress in concrete is 5 N/mm2 and Es is 15 Ec
16 comments Page 2 of 2.
Shiva said:
7 years ago
Explain this with formula.
Nishant Jain said:
8 years ago
Ans is C.
Find permissible stress[$] in steel first as:
Permissible stress in steel/permissible stress in concrete = Es/Ec.
Permissible stress in steel = 5 * 15Ec/Ec = 75.
Now solve:
P = 5 * (200 * 200 - 1200) + (1200 * 75) = 284000N = 284.
Find permissible stress[$] in steel first as:
Permissible stress in steel/permissible stress in concrete = Es/Ec.
Permissible stress in steel = 5 * 15Ec/Ec = 75.
Now solve:
P = 5 * (200 * 200 - 1200) + (1200 * 75) = 284000N = 284.
Abhishek.kumar said:
8 years ago
Sir. Plese tell me the correct answer with explanation.
8 years ago
P = 5*(200*200-1200) + (1200*15) = 212000 N
So the answer is E.
So the answer is E.
Bapan Halder said:
8 years ago
P = 5 * {(40000 - 1200) + (1200 * 15)}.
Nazeer said:
9 years ago
How is it done?
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