Civil Engineering - Theory of Structures

Exercise : Theory of Structures - Section 3
The forces acting on the bar as shown in the given figure introduce
compressive stress
tensile stress
shear stress
none of these.
Answer: Option
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The equation of a parabolic arch of span l and rise h, is given by
Answer: Option
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Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A wire wound in spiral form, is called a helical spring
The pitch of a close coil spring, is very small
The angle made by the coil with horizontal, is called the angle of helix
In the open coil helical spring, the angle of helix is comparatively large
All the above.
Answer: Option
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The horizontal thrust on the ends of a two hinged semicircular arch of radius R carrying
a uniformly distributed load ω per unit run over its right half span, is
a uniformly distributed load ω per unit run over its entire span is
a distributed load varying from zero at the left end to ω per unit horizontal run at the right end, is
all the above.
Answer: Option
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Maximum principal stress theory for the failure of a material at elastic point, is known
Guest's or Trecas' theory
St. Venant's theory
Rankine's theory
Haig's theory
Von Mises's theory.
Answer: Option
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