Civil Engineering - Building Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Building Materials - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
Lacquer paints
Answer: Option
Lacquer paints are generally applied on structural steel, are less durable as compared to enamel paints, consist of resin and nitro-cellulose, and contain alcohol as thinner. Lacquer paints are known for their fast-drying properties, high gloss finish, and ability to be applied in thin layers. They are often used on wood, metal, and other surfaces to provide a decorative finish. However, they are less durable than enamel paints, which are more resistant to wear and tear and tend to last longer. Lacquer paints consist of a resin (such as nitrocellulose, acrylic, or polyurethane) suspended in a solvent (such as alcohol or acetone). The solvent helps the paint flow smoothly and evaporates quickly, leaving behind the resin to form a hard and glossy finish.
64 comments Page 6 of 7.
Atique khan said:
1 decade ago
Why use in steel structure?
Atique khan said:
1 decade ago
What is the advantage of lacquer and why?
Uma G ayathri said:
1 decade ago
It is used to reduce the corrosion in steel and prevent the uncertain bacteria in wood.
Lavanya said:
1 decade ago
What is the advantage of containing alcohol, resin and nitrocellulose?
Sovon maity said:
1 decade ago
What is lacquer paint and why are use this? with pitcher.
Satyam dubey said:
1 decade ago
Why it is used? What is it property?
Muthu said:
1 decade ago
Lacquer paint normally using for steel or casting units to avoid corrosive & it is durable compared to enamel paint. For Engine casing using this paint in auto industries.
Pankaj kumar said:
1 decade ago
What is lacquer paint and why are use this?
Munawar Kamboh said:
1 decade ago
Normally it is use to polish the Wood.
Palpandi said:
1 decade ago
What is use of it?
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