Civil Engineering - Applied Mechanics
Exercise : Applied Mechanics - Section 3
- Applied Mechanics - Section 1
- Applied Mechanics - Section 2
- Applied Mechanics - Section 3
- Applied Mechanics - Section 4
- Applied Mechanics - Section 5
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
A 49 kg lady stands on a spring scale in an elevator. During the first 5 sec, starting from rest, the scale reads 69 kg. The velocity of the elevator will be
Pick up the correct statement from the following. A rubber ball when strikes a wall rebounds but a lead ball of same mass and velocity when strikes the same wall, falls down
The instantaneous centre of a member lies at the point of intersection of two lines drawn at the ends of the member such that the lines are inclined to the direction of motion of the ends at
A rod 5 m in length is moving in a vertical plane. When it is inclined at 60° to horizontal, its lower end is moving horizontally at 3 m/sec and upper end is moving in vertical direction. The velocity of its upper end, is
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