C Programming - Declarations and Initializations - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Declarations and Initializations - General Questions (Q.No. 11)
When we mention the prototype of a function?
Answer: Option

A function prototype in C or C++ is a declaration of a function that omits the function body but does specify the function's name, argument types and return type.

While a function definition specifies what a function does, a function prototype can be thought of as specifying its interface.

46 comments Page 2 of 5.

Karthik said:   9 years ago
Can you people explain the difference between old compiler and new compiler?

Manmeet said:   10 years ago
Prototype means blue print of a function. It means in our function what type of arguments we require.

Banu said:   10 years ago
Prototype is just declaring the function not declare the body.

Niharika said:   1 decade ago
What is the difference between prototyping and declaring?

Pradeep kumar said:   1 decade ago
int main()
printf("Welcome to IndiaBIX.com..!");
return 0;

What is the error in this program?

Ankita said:   1 decade ago
Function Declaration and function prototyping is nothing but one and the same thing.

It was easy for programmers to call the function with incorrect.

Parameters which needless to say had disastrous runtime consequences.

Thus ANSI C mandates function prototypes as the method for function declaration.

Manali said:   1 decade ago
The answer could be "Prototyping".

Then what is the basic difference between function declaration & function prototyping then ?


Brijesh Nishad said:   1 decade ago
What is the actually function prototype?

Vineeth said:   1 decade ago
Initialization means declaration and assignment, like int a=10;

Definition means just like ... int a; here memory space is allocated by the OS at the run time , and if initialization means that value goes to the reserved memory.

Then you may have a doubt what is declaration? Isn't the statement int a; is the declaration itself? Answer is NO, int a;is defenition, int a=10; is initialization ..and the declaration is like extern int a;

Here what happens is no memory space is allocated for 'a', Its simply telling the compiler that variable 'a' is a type of 'int' and you should define it if you want to use it.. like int a; again...

AmolKotwal said:   1 decade ago
Is initialization and Definition of varible same?

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